There is a deep valley beneath,
I am holding on to this thin rope,
I have still not given up the hope,
There is chance of life, there is a scope.
A strong force pulls up the string,
And my belief becomes stronger,
I get pulled up,
Million thoughts go through my head,
I am going to change,
Not gonna be the same old me any longer,
I make a promise to my life,
I will cherish every second of it.
I will be a changed man.
Only if I could survive, I know which I can
I dream of Life,
I dream of love,
I dream of us being happy ever after,
The image is nice and Sharpe in mind,
Beautiful and only one of its kind.
Suddenly the friction between rocks and rope being pulled increases,
As my heart pounds,
Is there a twist in the tale?
I ask myself where did I fail?
If I die and meet the depths of Valley
Whom should I blame?
And who will pay for the claim?
No it just would be insane
To play the buck passing game.
It could be the rope,
I could be the rock,
It could be me at the wrong place at the wrong time
But its not the place, rock or rope…
As I still have the hope!
I will emerge of this valley with some scars
And for sure shoot at some stars.
But I would be all alone,
What are starts, what are cars?
If you are not with me
Life is an empty Jar,
With all the materialistic things filled in it to the brim,
All this without you is as good as a sentence to hell,
For my Sin’s I have committed
My mind wonders,
And as I am just about to reach the surface,
The rope’s final stands get cut…
The rope breaks,
And I initiate my descend,
Now I see all memories flashing clearly.
Those places, those talks, long, long walks,
In few seconds I will close my eyes forever
And they might see you never
I fall, I fall with a big blue bang,
You might ask me what happened to you?
The freefall was not good enough for you?
And I to sink beneath the depths,
I just hope I don’t ever open my eyes.
But to my surprise I find you sitting next to me,
Comforting me and telling me “it’s just a nightmare!”,
And sweetheart there is nothing to get scared.
Clinging on hope,
Standing on a very thin rope,
Waiting for you till eternity,
That will be my only hope
To cling on to this thin rope!