As I try to squeeze words of my pen,
The alphabets won’t come out,
Gripped with a fear,
Fear of being lost in an alien word,
I can not scribble I can not scribble,
A young lady much elder to me,
Ask’s for a bookmark
to be signed,
I freeze at her excitement and expectation,
Deep within me I heard a scream,
“Its not me! It’s not me”,
I jumped on to next flight to Himalayas,
Publisher’s villa,
In search for tranquility & calm,
So I could write the next best seller,
Switching off the buzz-machine,
But all in vain,
Those 7 days drove me insane,
On my way back home,
Baggage got exchanged,
Next thing I remember,
Hundreds of shutter boxes, blinking eyelids,
Lawyers pressing charges of possession of narcotics,
All became numb,
Cold, shivery, dark cell, a real hell,
Eureka it Struck me then,
Now what you see are
Episode’s of Prison Break!