Monday, June 20, 2011

Warrior Princess!

She fights the black, cold, dark midnight,
With a smile on her face,
Like a candle in middle of a desert storm,
Flickering and fighting her way,
 Against the fierce & intimidating winds,
Resolute and strong,
When the world gives up on her,
She has the tenacity to see us through the daylight,
Fighting in the dark giving us light,
Luminescence of freedom is brighter than millions of torches
Burnt by a tyrant,
Just for a cause,
Just to protect our soles from blazing,
A reply to all that effort is,
“Born to make you happy!”
Born to give them hope,
Who have no one to fall back on,
Burning herself in the process,
In the start it seemed like a lost battle,
But she spared her tears to shed them on the enemy’s grave,
The enemy is mighty and strong,
But she has a strong belief that freedom shall come along,
There is no retreat, there is no surrender,
Fighting against all odds,
The dark king plays all the tricks in his book,
Never showing his face on the battlefield,
He used diplomacy to core,
Assigns his best general to fight against the lone unequipped princess,
They wish to steal her kingdom, freedom and everything she had!,
By tricking her all the way,
They spun a web and catch her on the wrong foot,
But they chose the wrong nemesis,
She decided to fight and get everything right,
The able general was the face of Dark King in the battle,
But how did it matter,
 She was on a roaring rampage of revenge,
For her vengeance was only to teach enemy a lesson,
Lesson not to steal from those seem to be weak,
She matched the enemy strength to strength,
And the general seemed to be losing despite of the backing & the might,
The Dark King decides to retreat,
He beheads his own General,
Just to keep his face,
To which our princess replied,
That s what separates darkness and light,
I can willfully die for my men, whereas you can kill”,
The dark king apologized,
He took a retreat,
Princess forgive him saying,
“There is no bigger punishment than dodging guilt”,
She shall always fight against tyrants,
Always inspire us to take arms against the suppressors of freedom.