It’s been a while I haven’t written something, and I am doing this after lot of soul searching.
Life was never meant to be easy fair or nice, it is that nasty opponent which will time & again throw punches at you & especially when you least expect it. It’s not about getting up, being strong, fighting back & hitting it harder but sometimes it’s about sustaining the punches &; not get knocked out.
We all go through lean mean & bone dry patches in life; when we start to question our existence in the Universe and our ability to control it, leave alone control just our capacity to influence the elements in & around us.
In situations like these sometimes it’s best to let go, we always have a script in mind and if things don’t go according to plan, we are disappointed, & unhappy. But if we try and see carefully we are prisoners of our own device. We create certain set of expectations from our course of life & if the movie does not belong to the same genre we are obviously upset.
So what am I trying to say to have no aspirations, no dreams & goals? Absolutely not!
A man is no man without a mission, I am saying we should not have attachment to our aspirations, the key likes in re assessing what you want from life after every checkpoint if we redefine our goals, it would be a much easy task.
So how will one concur I have reached a checkpoint & hey I better reassess the goals, the answer lies within & you inner- self will never lie about it.
good one guru bhai. i love the start of the article. you sound like a true philosopher :)
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