One and Only Guru (Abhi Arora)
Where heroes are made,
History is written &wiped off,
Where Ethics are butchered,
Greed, Hope, despair dominate the proceedings,
And winning the Rat Race is the only thing,
Where wealth is created & destroyed,
Where Multibaggers, wipe off your net worth,
Welcome to bazaar,
Amidst this volatility,
Emerges a hero,
Who looks like a simple Man,
But has charisma of a Ferro,
His knowledge is divine,
And makes millions out of a single dime,
He believes it’s a zero sum game,
If you are here for fame,
Your life won’t be the same,
He says market is like vilely old beast,
Difficult to tame,
Yeah you investors you like to play game,
If you win you are a hare,
And if you lose,
It’s just not fair,
But it’s the question can you do the dare?
It’s a zero sum game
If you are here for name,
Think Bollywood that will help you in achieving the same.
Georg Soros is his mentor,
When he sells a stock, he won’t reenter.
They say winning is habit,
He says it’s your attitude!
And his way of life!
This poem is dedicated to Abhishek Arora, one person whom i admire a lot!
One Of the Maverick Traders in our Campus!
he is the guru of life....
fundas of market and life are so simple and so clear, a gem of a guy and a pukka desi punjabi by heart and soul..... hands down to you " scientist".......
scientist was his floor name.. i gues pehle 1'st floor then sixt'h and then last 2 sem 1st floor!
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