Saturday, July 16, 2016

Dealing with Situations

Shit happens! Your sweet heart says he/she dosent love you anymore!and would like to seek legal separation. You lose that promotion to a teachers pet after slogging your ass off, you just broke up with your childhood sweetheart. You just lose a loved one in an untimely demise. The grief remains yours people can empathize may be sympathise but none help in healing Nobody but you have to grind your way out of the hole you find in. And it happens inch by inch. Sorry recovery ain't popping a pill ! Life at times can make you feel perplexed, the very constants in your life turn into volatile variables and you can suddenly find yourself stumped ! Truth is we as species have an inherent quality to be content with status quo and are resistant to change. We find bliss in stability. But truth is its the volatility has seeds of evolution deep embedded in it. Acceptance happens with a delay and a concept time heals everything is myth. No matter how much time showers loss of a memory ( context of a bad event) there are scars which pain more than freshly inflicted wounds. So moving on should be a knee jerk process or transient one is a million dollar question? I would say neither a right combination of time based healing and getting back to life hard and meeting people is very important. Travel is one act that can just refresh the rusty combust mind, we can think on abundance and capabilities. Another thing can help heals is to get zeal of a kid, now that can be done by indulging in small acts of foolishness (for adults) which kids find perfectly OK. Going back to school to acquire new skills can really make you believe in your capabilities and give you a new direction. Nothing like self belief it can do wonders in healing and bouncing back at life. But all these remedies revolve around one strong core quintessential principal " Loving yourself!" Sculpt yourself ! Build yourself ! Create memoirs ! Write a story and be the King Leonidas of your life !

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Better half and not Bitter half

Life can be strange it can show you colours that you never knew. Always surprises you more captivating and exhilarating than a fiction. We all have shades of grey in varying proportions, they are deep routed within us often invoked by situations and people. It's funny what people can get out of you. If you read any acceptance speech there are always accolades to spouse thanking him/her to motivate and reach the last mile. History is also testimony to the fact the biggest and most destructive battles were fought won and loss because of provocation of better halves. It rests a lot in spouses hand to make or break empires. A right positive enforcement can propel an individual and make him/her scale unimaginable heights. If it were so easy why relationships come with its own set of friction? A simple answer to it would be the grease of affection coming from mutual admiration and respect. Mushy love and romance evaporates and may not survive the test of time, what left behind is trust and mutual admiration. Being in each other's worst time makes you celebrate during each other's best. Easier said than done all you need is that great catalyst patience and belief not only in your abilities but your abilities together. Couple often tend to argue and spend the energy fighting on irrelevant and non important faucets of life. One thing one must never forget we have finite time to capture infinite memoirs which life has to throw why waste time to get back at or to even draw first blood. An eye for eye would leave the world blind is what once Gandhi said, it has a deeper figurative meaning to it. If a mind us channelised in a right direction with positive enforcement it can work wonders. Cribbing bickering or highlighting and celebrating negative aspects about a partner shall never take you to the 1 St base ever. Just like kids adults also understand language of love an affection. If a point which you don't appreciate is made to explain with a calm mind than losing it will have far more productive results than drilling it and punishing your partner like an offender.