Sunday, August 4, 2024

Bring back the 90s

Love those days where Music was discs and cassette,
We got excited ,gifted and swung to the tunes,
Radio threw elements of Surprise about the next song,
Now just flipping stations or mood playlists on apps,
Cut to today Reduced attention span,
Hopping on the next song is the plan,
Not appreciating the acoustics or the artist,
At times old school magic had the posie and guile,
Bring back the 90s ,
Limited resources never limit our fun,
Now it seems we are always on the run,
The happy days with friends and fun,
No treadmill of Life on which we pretend to run,
Empty desires of unfulfilled and never ending dreams,
Ohh we miss the fun,
It's not to do with lifestage or age,
Have to be more open and breathe a little to have more fun,
Appreciating beauty in small things,
Not consumed with consumerism and comparison,
Off the race where we all all Rats,
Bring back the 90s when we had so much fun !

Friday, September 29, 2023

Lessons in Empathy by My Wife

We at times get trapped in a web casted by facade of our own principles.
I found engulfed in one such situation.

It was drizzling on a sept evening, wrapping work early, we went to bazzar to stich up pending work to station and rain god's took a pause.
Mumbai rains can come in colours of romance, irritation and sticky sultry spells of humid sweaty weather.
We finished our work it was twilight time but felt like 8, in a quest to go early and have dinner before Sunset, we rushed ro a custard apple vendor.
The usual suspect a lady begger showed up in typical irritating way she started her elevator pitch. The pitch was to buy a fruit.

I have a principle to not to pay in cash especially to those who are capable to put in a labour. The weather got better off me made me tick, I have her a stare, she seemed young as a daisy, eyes were nice and bright and had no remorse of perils of asking for help despite of competencies to earn bread.

I conveniently ignored her and continued to bargain with the custard apple vendor.
My wife had a rise smile on her face, sorted a ripe custard apple carefully and gave it to her from our bag.

She could see what my judgemental eyes missed on the ladys bulge belly. I froze and my heart just sunk, before it could recover it was plunged into depths of darkness by my Wife's explanation to her act of kindness,"_She was Expecting"_

I was speechless, i marched towards my car , anxious me couldn't restore my heart by one nostril breathing.

That day I learnt lessons from my wife about observation, kindness and mindfulness.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

What if

What if i was evolved to know you were ready,
Ready to walk that walk with me,
What if I was not blinded by what I never wanted,
What if you and me would watch the setting sun in Tuscany,
What if we didnt have our constraints,
We would breath better,
Less anxious, less half empty,
Filling each others life with hope,
What if and only if I could travel back and fix a few stitches,
Our fabric of lives could be so better !

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Dark Fantasy

Some fantasies could scare the daylight within you ,
May be thats why they call them dark,
You walk towards me with an invisible wand,
Showering your black magic,
The twinkle in your eye was worth gazing at million stars,
If I snap from this dream,
would wake up with scars!,
Ohh my black magic woman,

You meet me in sanctum of my mind,
Dwell we there ,unite and grow,
Our union is illusive in this material world,
But we cherish our fusion in our den,

Far away from realms of reality,
Where bean counting and reasoning world is distant,
Just twin flames, flickering ebbing and flowing in nectar of love,

Immortality our love seeks,with pristine purity, no morality and prejudice ,No eyes to stare at us,
Not seeking social will, we can be us and unite for ever and ever, where time stops quantifying.

No evils of fear and pain,
Just sunshine and rain,
Together we script our fantasy,
Much sweeter than reality,

Where your magical powers glitter the sky,
My black magic woman !
You come to life ....
Far far away from human sight !

Saturday, June 19, 2021


Poetry need not be repository of fancy words,
It originates from deep within,
Rekindles your mind,
And on its way touches your heart !

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Simple Life

I am little old school, 
A hard cover book gives me bliss, 
Listing to good old country riffs, 
Now that my hair is short and thoughts are long, 
I laze in the glory of memoirs all day long, 
Ohh those were the days when we would drive in mist and haze, 
Camping by the river side, 
Barbeque was just paradise, 
All the roastiez and some wine, 
No we don't know any Instagram, 
Creating memories under the sun, 
Stories written by pen, 
Life should be simple and uncomplicated 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Life on a Vent

Death has an invisible strong odor,
That lingers deep,
My warm breath blurs my vison ,
As I make my way in this heavy attire,
Sealed to the brim,
Patients look at me with a ray of hope,

 I get up to fight this invisible nemesis,
Vent pumps up and down,
The only hope on ground,
The continuous beep Ohh that dreadful sound!
I have hope admist this panic of pandemic,
Suddenly my nursing staff rushes to me,
Have a choice who gets the vent?

Young artist or old granny,
My hand trembles,
I close my eyes and pray,
Me being atheist was just a facade I wore,
As believer within me was invoked,
The clock stopped on me,
Nurse shook me slumber,
She, screamed with tears, "New Vents are here!",
I just felt I won a battle against the Virus

I am indiffrent to scars of the facemask,
Indifferent to my insomnia,
Indifferent to helplessness,
Not gonna stop till the War is over !

Friday, August 9, 2019

Deleted Whatsapp Messages

Those delete messages on whatsApp are like scars....

Wounds heal but they don't,

What you want to express doesn't come out,
And what comes out that you never really felt

Deleted messages on whatsapp is an oinment of peace!

Oinment that prevents further bloodshed,

Misunderstanding confusion and chaos,

Emotions best expressed in words,

But best personified in person!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Breathe a Little

I am sorry,
I am sorry the fearful opportunist captivated beast could just sniff a recession,
What I really need to cough out that curruption and breathe a little,
Breathe a little and break free,
I want to smell fresh grass,
And feel the cool breeze,
Need to breathe a little,
Travel more and worry less,
Make memoirs,
And not just dollars,
Walk into wilderness,
Wake up to chirps,
I wanna breathe a little,
I wanna touch your skin and feel your soul,
And breath some more
Yeah I wanna breathe a little!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Analog Signal Caught in Digital World

I Like the 90s... Life had less options and more fun. 
I captured secrets in a dairy and won't spray them for the world to watch.
Spoke hours on the landline calls and even though difficult I was more connected to friends and family ! 

 Now wishing birthdays on WhatsApp group has become a tick box exercise.

 An invisible unknown peerpresure creeps in what if I have missed out ? At times I keep messages unread to keep unwanted folks at bay! 

I laugh less type more write less, worry more, care less. Man I use to love the 90s pockets we're halffilled and we had overflowing hearts with love. 

Now l get a very short lived instant gratification on my each conquest of a purchase I make online.

 I have gadgets gizmos to save time, still i am stressed for lack of it...Back in the days I was back home early and stress-free.. 

 I seem to be more happpy on pictures and selfies than I really am. 

I at times wonder all the time that tech has saved me is lost on making my profile better or uploading a story which never unfolded .

 I am caught an analog signal lost in Digital World !

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Just Dance

Dance dance... Dance in the rain... That shall make you forget the pain... Dance till you last... Forgetting sins of the past... You make those moves... Which will tighten all the life screws... Forget and dance Forgive and dance... Dance so that there is no blemish of pain Nothing too lose and only to gain... No past no future... Just memoirs that make unicorns out of mortals Just dance !

Saturday, August 5, 2017

I Wish we could get real

I remember simmering aroma of coffee use to fills my room,
The pleasant morning breeze use to sooth my soul,
My deep dive in morning daily Flipping the crisp pages of city,
Wondering what's gone wrong to our planet, But Now,
I just scroll, up and down,
Exploits of the midnight town,
Endless selfies and fake smiles,
Tweets retweets and those unlikely likes, Strolling scrolling and trolling celbs,
Filter less photos with hashtags, Virtual wishes and sad emoticons for mishaps, My life encapsulated in a 5 inch box, Emotions, joy outrage all exhibited with touch on my pad, I wish those days were conversations were real, No buzz, pings, and no share no dare, I wish things could be more real, The real big fear I have of a battery drain, Cutting of trees, dieing of whales is that pain ? I wish I could get more real, Flip flip I get a notification on my cart, 50% off the End of Season Sale, I pick myself and click few links, Wallah I have again bunch of things that I really don't need !, I wish to break free,i wish to break free, Ohh gosh do I miss the nineties, The excitement of scrambling to a movie hall, Now it's just fingertips booking the show at just one go, I miss those days when I picked up the receiver took efforts to dial a stranger, Now I just have a button to tap, Though convinent this is a lazy trap, I wish to get real I wish to get real

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Unfinished Business

There he was reborn, ruthless, sharpe, Street smart ,opportunist, practical and a smart cookie baked in fire of bad experiences.
It were the bitter experience and slaps he had received from life made him what he was.

Ohh yes he was nice caring humble a bit timid and God fearing, but circumstances only had played a magic trick to transform him.

But there are no free lunches the bad experiences gave him valuable lessons and carved him into an indispensable force at a cost of eyes that had sank deep ,hair which once was lustrous black now had shades of grey spayed like depiction of aftermaths of rain by an ameture artist on canvas.

He stood tall but, circumstances had taken a toll on him,but what had not changed is the smile,he  could illuminated horizons and beyond with it.

I was about to meet  after half a decade and was  excited and nervous both, excited to meet old friend nervous because of his meteorical rise a professional.

He is now  anything but fun, but I have butterflies playing pogo in my tummy knowing the fact I shall be meeting the Mr. Mehta, Founder CEO of one of the fastest growing unicorn!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Dealing with Situations

Shit happens! Your sweet heart says he/she dosent love you anymore!and would like to seek legal separation. You lose that promotion to a teachers pet after slogging your ass off, you just broke up with your childhood sweetheart. You just lose a loved one in an untimely demise. The grief remains yours people can empathize may be sympathise but none help in healing Nobody but you have to grind your way out of the hole you find in. And it happens inch by inch. Sorry recovery ain't popping a pill ! Life at times can make you feel perplexed, the very constants in your life turn into volatile variables and you can suddenly find yourself stumped ! Truth is we as species have an inherent quality to be content with status quo and are resistant to change. We find bliss in stability. But truth is its the volatility has seeds of evolution deep embedded in it. Acceptance happens with a delay and a concept time heals everything is myth. No matter how much time showers loss of a memory ( context of a bad event) there are scars which pain more than freshly inflicted wounds. So moving on should be a knee jerk process or transient one is a million dollar question? I would say neither a right combination of time based healing and getting back to life hard and meeting people is very important. Travel is one act that can just refresh the rusty combust mind, we can think on abundance and capabilities. Another thing can help heals is to get zeal of a kid, now that can be done by indulging in small acts of foolishness (for adults) which kids find perfectly OK. Going back to school to acquire new skills can really make you believe in your capabilities and give you a new direction. Nothing like self belief it can do wonders in healing and bouncing back at life. But all these remedies revolve around one strong core quintessential principal " Loving yourself!" Sculpt yourself ! Build yourself ! Create memoirs ! Write a story and be the King Leonidas of your life !

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Better half and not Bitter half

Life can be strange it can show you colours that you never knew. Always surprises you more captivating and exhilarating than a fiction. We all have shades of grey in varying proportions, they are deep routed within us often invoked by situations and people. It's funny what people can get out of you. If you read any acceptance speech there are always accolades to spouse thanking him/her to motivate and reach the last mile. History is also testimony to the fact the biggest and most destructive battles were fought won and loss because of provocation of better halves. It rests a lot in spouses hand to make or break empires. A right positive enforcement can propel an individual and make him/her scale unimaginable heights. If it were so easy why relationships come with its own set of friction? A simple answer to it would be the grease of affection coming from mutual admiration and respect. Mushy love and romance evaporates and may not survive the test of time, what left behind is trust and mutual admiration. Being in each other's worst time makes you celebrate during each other's best. Easier said than done all you need is that great catalyst patience and belief not only in your abilities but your abilities together. Couple often tend to argue and spend the energy fighting on irrelevant and non important faucets of life. One thing one must never forget we have finite time to capture infinite memoirs which life has to throw why waste time to get back at or to even draw first blood. An eye for eye would leave the world blind is what once Gandhi said, it has a deeper figurative meaning to it. If a mind us channelised in a right direction with positive enforcement it can work wonders. Cribbing bickering or highlighting and celebrating negative aspects about a partner shall never take you to the 1 St base ever. Just like kids adults also understand language of love an affection. If a point which you don't appreciate is made to explain with a calm mind than losing it will have far more productive results than drilling it and punishing your partner like an offender.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life throws curveballs

At times life throws curve balls just like Lee's bouncers you have to be Sharpe to duck under it... At times you also gotta exhibit some pre emptive footwork to hook it for Six !

Friday, September 4, 2015

Black Magic Woman

There she was sitting on back seat of my car, Dressed in pristine white glittering though moon light, 

She is my black magic woman, She looks at me with her big black eyes and curls dangling on her shoulders. 

Ohh Yeah she is my black magic woman ! She with her sumptuous smile brightens my life, The sparkling radiance of her eyes makes me skip my heart beat Ohh she is my black magic

 It was Navy Ball and she wore captains cap with a slight tilt, My heart raced again, irresistible she was, a cult combination of innocence and mischief in right proportion, She gazed and laughed at me with her back big eyes Ohh she was my black magic woman, 

I step out of car and the clock rings 9, Off she goes my black magic Woman !

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Chants ringing in my ears,

Humming , hissing feels a holy bliss, Divine is deep within.

We need to step out of our mundane life to breath free,

Holy men, vedic chants, I dont know the powers of Divine !!

Belief has powers to transform a rock into divine source of power !

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Marraige your choice why should strangers Rejoice !

Marriage in India is a topic of public interest after cricket and Arnab's show, the most juiciest piece would be getting somebody married.

Trust me immediate family is not so desperate to push prospective bride or groom but some extra social elements like Cousin-Dadi , Bickering Chachi, Clingy Mausi, Bitchy Mami.

Ageing of whiskey and bride /Groom are complete antithesis in true sense.

If I have to draw a parallel it follows an exact pattern of Time decay of an option.  You are dead if you dont unwind your position before expiry.

  You face inevitable death if you dont marry within prescribed age limit.

And when you chuck yourself and redeem of this noise...your best buddy pokes nose.."no dude I mean seriously think of settling down..."

Settling Down ! I am sorry marriage can on contrary be unsettling experience for few.

Well I can't say getting married is like consuming the holy water or one step towards divine invincibility.

But I believe it should be a non event for crowd to create noise...

It a choice of two individual people ...which is celebrated by the world except the partied involved in the act.

I am not against marriage but against the undue importance the world gives to it...

PS:- The context is inspired from a dialogue between friend planning to tie the knot. Also inspired from movie pyar ka punch nama.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Crony capitalist corporate world

I hate to play the games which people cherish to play, 
Call me a submissive straight jacket bastard, 
Where free men cant walk without being deceptive and dishonest ! 
Always play the oneupmanship battle, 
Without focusing on the larger good ! Fighting for piece of bread just Stealing from a hungry kid for conquest ! Crushing millions of heads for that illusive throne.. This is a place where humanity was abolished long back Whats left are zombies who just churn dollars for the lord. Crony capitalism at its best I need a redemption I need a redemption..